
Carrd is a current work in progress, please bare with me as I get a better idea of Katrin and her character. I've some ideas, but don't mind having a little help through role play or someone wishing to take this character to add to part of their story.


Katrin Agnys - Huyr MidlanderHeight: 4'11"
Weight: 90 pounds, 123-140 with all weapons and gear.
From: Summerford Farms area.
Skin color: Lightly bronzed.
Eye color: Sky blue.
Hair color: Blond.
The girl is part of a very, very large family. She intends to learn how to use magic, or to control aether. She wants to have a trade that she can fall back on and get further into when she chooses to settle, if that's where the cards fall. She wants to see if the sea calls her, or the earth wishes to keep her grounded there. Which lands had not been tread by man, or at least by anyone in her family. She wanted adventure, and she wanted a life where she could be one to come home with stories in abundance.


Katrin's family was a mash up of Malestrom soldiers, dock workers, pirates, mercenaries, fishers, and farmers who worked all over Summerford. Some had their own crafts that they'd honed, two of her brothers having turned to the mines for better coin no matter their mother's insistence that it was too dangerous. Uncles and aunts even made up different trades like blacksmithing, alchemy, weavers... the whole lot.Making Katrin someone with a bit of knowledge of just about everything... but no real experience on much save what she'd learned on the docks and fishing boats, some time learning the sword from one of her brothers grandfather, and quite a bit on botany and farming.Her father had had many wives, trysts, and couldn't keep it in his pants during his privateering days nor any other... making Kat one of many, many of his children. Her mother though, was at least his third wife. So she'd grown up knowing him a bit more than some of her other siblings.She'd a rather happy life, and was able to be immersed in many cultures and things that not many else could. But, sharing a small place with a bit too many bodies was one of the things that spurred Katrin into adventuring. This, and she craved more than just a taste of stories and word of the vast world... she wanted to live it. She wanted to experience it, and see all that she could. Learn all that she could.She intends to learn how to use magic, or to control aether. She wants to have a trade that she can fall back on and get further into when she chooses to settle, if that's where the cards fall. She wants to see if the sea calls her, or the earth wishes to keep her grounded there. Which lands had not been tread by man, or at least by anyone in her family. She wanted adventure, and she wanted a life where she could be one to come home with stories in abundance.